Seminar at the laboratory

The seminars of the laboratory are organized regularly. This page allows to find the archives of all the seminars since 01/12/2021.
The person in charge of the seminars is Marco Minissale.

Upcoming seminars:

  • 21 November 2024: Riccardo Urso –
  • 5 July 2024: Alice Remigy – Study of a Micro-Hollow Cathode Discharge for the production of atomic nitrogen for boron nitride deposition



  1. 7 June: Jutta Toscano – Manoeuvring chemical reactions one degree of freedom at a time
  2. 21 February: Mothoshi Goto – Pursuit of a More Reliable Stark Broadening Model for Experimental Data Analysis
  3. 7 February: Mathilde HugbartField and intensity correlations: from atoms to stars


  1. 19 December: Dominque Franck Escande – Plasma-wall self-organization in magnetic fusion, theory and experiments
  2. 30 November: Jordan Dezalay – Photodissociation spectroscopy: a tool for probing biomolecules excited states properties
  3. 20 November: John Finn – Meshfree analysis and stability in particle-based kinetic plasma simulations
  4. 10 November: Löic Schiesko Des plasmas froids pour la fusion thermonucléaire : chauffage par injection de neutres
  5. 23 October: Niels F. W. Ligterink Frozen starships: Studies of comet 67P and the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua
  6. 28 September: David Lunney The rise or fall of antihydrogen: the GBAR* experiment at CERN
  7. 6 July 2023: Marie Landeiro Dos Reis Interation between point-defects and dislocation
  8. 22 Juin: Abdou DiawAdvancing Iterative Synthetic Diagnosis Workflow for Light Impurities on WEST
  9. 20 Juin: Antonio Tejeda First experiments of the angle and spin resolved inverse photoemission device
  10. 30 May: Anne Lafosse Quantifying the unavoidable contribution of electron – supported molecular film interactions – Nanolithography and astrophysics
  11. 25 May: Ghassan Antar – The Suppression of large-scale turbulence in the Tokamak Scrape-off Layer
  12. 10 May: Maria Davila Reducing the dimensionality: Silicon nanoribbons
  13. 26 April: Petr GrigorevHybrid ab initio-machine learning simulations of extended defects
  14. 28 March: Mykola IalovegaDevelopment of Additive Manufacturing Methods of Plasma-Facing Components for Novel Magnetic Fusion Confinement Devices
  15. 27 January: Hyeon K. Park – History, Science and Perspective of Fusion Energy Development


  1. 8 November: Junji YuharaFabrication and characterization of two-dimensional materials on solid surface
  2. 7 November: Mini-workshop on Complex dynamics of plasmas
  3. 14 September: Justin Little – Mode Transitions in Low-Temperature Aerospace Plasmas
  4. 08 September: Ernesto Marceca – Ultrafast solvation and recombination dynamics of electrons in fluids
  5. 05 July: Audrey Chatain – Croissance et évolution d’aérosols organiques dans des plasmas N2-CH4 et N2-H2 pour étudier l’ionosphère de Titan
  6. 24 June: Cary ForestLes fondements physiques d’un champ magnétique élevé et de miroirs de taille compacte pour la fusion nucléaire
  7. 16 June: Chijin Xiao Plasma-Wall Interaction Related Research at the University of Saskatchewan
  8. 31 May: Laurent Lamy – Etudier les magnétosphères du système solaire et au-delà à l’aide d’observations radio : de l’exploration spatiale in situ au Square Kilometer Array (SKA)
  9. 03 May: Lorenzo Giustolisi Polarisation in Spectral line profiles calculations with Magnetic Stellar Atmosphere conditions
  10. 5 April: Sylvain Bertaina – Dynamique quantique cohérente des defauts dans les chaines de spin : création et control des qubits de soliton
  11. 25 March: Audric Husson – Utilisation des pièges à ions pour la spectrométrie de masse haute résolution et la purification de faisceaux d’ions radioactifs
  12. 19 March: Matheus Lazzarotto – Dynamique chaotique dans un potentiel périodique 2D
  13. 24 February: Guillaume Brochard – Simulations gyrocinétiques de modes MHD globaux : vérification et validation à l’aide des expériences DIII-D, et application aux plasmas ITER


  1. 1er December: Alan Durif – Tungsten damage assessment tools for thermonuclear fusion reactor