Seminar by María E. DAVILA – ICMM (Spain)

A seminar given by

Dr. María E. DAVILA

Professor at Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid – ICMM – CSIC (Spain)


Reducing the dimensionality: Silicon nanoribbons

will take place on
Wednesday, May 10th at 10:00
in the salle du Conseil – service 322 of the PIIM laboratory (Campus St. Jerome)

Abstract: In recent years the discovery of different forms of nanostructures in many  materials (nanospheres, nanotubes, nanowires, as well as their derivatives) has raised much scientific and technological excitement. As the most important electronic materials, silicon in its nanoscale forms, has stimulated major interest because of the peculiar emerging physical properties, such as light emission, field emission, and quantum confinement effects. In my seminar, I will especially focus on silicon nanoribbons, a new allotrope uniquely made of Si pentagonal buiding blocks, whose physical properties could be explored  in details.

Bio: María E Dávila research focuses on “The synthesis and characterization of low-dimensional materials with special emphasis on semiconductors”. Her interests include “Determining the structural and electronic structure of those materials”. She has expertise in “The use of synchrotron radiation techniques to explore the physics and chemistry of low-dimensional materials”. She completed her PhD in Condensed Matter Physics at University Auronoma of Madrid in 1996, followed by a Post-doctoral fellowship at University of Uppsala and KTH in Sweden.

Seminar by Petr GRIGOREV – CINAM (France)

A seminar given by


Research Fellow at Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille (France)


Hybrid ab initio-machine learning simulations of extended defects

will take place on
Wednesday, April 26th at 11:00
in the salle du Conseil – service 322 of the PIIM laboratory (Campus St. Jerome)

Abstract: In the context of plasma facing materials, interaction of radiation induced defects, plasma components and their clusters with material microstructure is important both in terms of material degradation as well as transport and retention of plasma components. Within this presentation I will describe how hybrid ab initio/machine learning methods can be used to study unfeasibly large systems with ab initio accuracy. I will show successful application of the method to study interaction of dislocations with hydrogen, helium and vacancy clusters in tungsten. I will also discuss future applications to fracture and grain boundary segregation and how this QM/ML data can be used to test and improve modern machine learning interatomic potentials.

Bio: Petr Grigorev is research Fellow working in the field of computational material science. He obtained his master degree in Physics from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in 2012. The same year he enrolled in a Ph.D. program shared between Ghent University and Complutense University of Madrid within the framework of Erasmus Mundus FUSION-DC. He defended his Ph.D. in April 2017 and, shortly after that, joined Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling as a Research Fellow. In December 2020 he started as a postdoc at the Départment Théorie et Simulation Numérique of Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille (CINaM). Find more info here.


Seminar by Mykola IALOVEGA – University of Wisconsin–Madison (USA)

A seminar given by


Research Associate at the University of Wisconsin–Madison (USA) and in the Plasma Edge Physics with 3D Boundaries group


Development of Additive Manufacturing Methods of Plasma-Facing Components for Novel Magnetic Fusion Confinement Devices

will take place on
Tuesday, March 28th at 10:30
in the salle du Conseil – service 322 of the PIIM laboratory (Campus St. Jerome)

Abstract: This talk will give an overview on the development of cold spray coatings for functional surfaces of plasma-facing components, specifically, for the novel magnetic confinement fusion devices which are now under construction in Wisconsin, US. Wisconsin HTS Axisymmetric Mirror Experiment (WHAM) is a result of a public-private partnership between the UW-Madison, MIT and Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS) to build and operate a compact, high-field mirror device and demonstrate a pathway to a commercial axisymmetric tandem mirror for production of grid—scale electrical power, hydrogen and more. Currently in its final construction phase to achivev pirst plasma, WHAM will utilize REBCO high temperature supercondicting coils (17 T mirrors) with the bore radius of 5.5 cm to confine hot and dense plasmas created using high frequency ECH. RF heating scenario and NBI injecttion will be used for creating fast sloshing ions. Quasi-stationary plasmas (plasma duration >> ion slowing down and characteristic confinement times) will be created with electron temperatures of 1 keV, average ion energies of 20 keV and densities that approach the plasma pressure limit. One of the WHAM’s technilogy missions is to demonstrate advanced particle hadling techniques by utilizing non-evaporatable Tantalum (Ta) gettering interface for effective neutral pressure reduction in the plasma edge which will limit loses associated with charge-exchange and improve the overal plasma performance. This objective is being achieved by developing the solid-state, high-velocity powder-particle-impact-based process—known as cold spray—to create Tantalum coatings on Stainless Steel (SS) substrates. Several cold spray parameters have been tested to achive dense and well-adhered coatings with minimal porosity level. Recent plasma exposure and subsequent annealing experiments have demonstrated the ability of the coatings to withsdand the impact of a high particle fluence (3e25 D/m2) and high surface temperature while maintaing the integrity, surface and bulk morphology of the coatings. Thermal desorption experiments performed in the collaboration with the PIIM laboratory (Aix-Marseille University) revealed the high Hydrogen storage capacity of the coatings (more than two orders of magnitude compared to sintered Tungsten exposed to the same D implantation conditions). Finally, tests of a large-scale Ta cold-sprayed PFC featuring a heating functionality for reguating Hydrogen adsorption and release is underway at the UW-Madison. 
In addition, this research provides an expertise on the additive manufacturing options for functional first-walls and divertor components for stellarators and tokamaks. For example, the Helically Symmetric eXperiment (HSX) device at the UW-Madison—a small-scale stellarator—is planned to be upgraded with a significant heating power (up to 800 kW of injected power and yielding plasma densities up to 1e19 m^-3) and a devertor for testing the non-resonant divertor concept in detached plasma conditions. It is proposed to 3D print parts the HSX and utilize the cold spray technology for adding functionality to the PFCs of the device.

Bio:  BSc and MSc, Physics, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine, 2015; MSc, Nuclear Engineering, Stuttgart University (Germany) and Ghent University (Belgium), 2017; PhD, Plasma Physics and Materials Science, CNRS, Aix-Marseille University and CEA Cadarache (France), 2021. Find more information here.

Seminar by Hyeon K. PARK – UNIST Fusion Plasma Laboratory (South Korea)

A seminar given by

Dr. Hyeon K. Park

professor at the Departement of Physics of UNIST (South Korea) and director of UNIST Fusion Plasma Laboratory


History, Science and Perspective of Fusion Energy Development

will take place on
Friday, January 27th at 10:30
in the salle du Conseil – service 322 of the PIIM laboratory (Campus St. Jerome)

Abstract: Long history of fusion plasma research is briefly reviewed and relevant lessons will be emphasized. Following the lessons, common factor of a variety of the claimed improved confinement regimes in the magnetic fusion plasma (e.g. L-, H-, VH-, Super-H-, I-, Supershot-, High_beta_P-, RS-, ERS-, FIRE-mode, etc.) is suggested. In addition, study of MHD instabilities by a new 2-D visualization tool (Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging system) demonstrated the physics of MHDs that we understand and what we do not understand. Based on accumulated empirical knowledge of the toroidal fusion plasmas such as scaling laws for the confinement time and triple products for the fusion power, a comprehensive and effective path for the ignition is suggested along with the perspective of ITER and size limit of a possible compact magnetic confinement device for ignition will be discussed.

Bio: Hyeon K. Park is professor at the Department of Physics at UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology) and director of the UNIST Fusion plasma Laboratory. Find more information here.

Seminar by Junji YUHARA – School of Engineering, Nagoya University (Japan)

A seminar given by

Dr. Junji Yuhara,

professor at the School of Engineering, Nagoya University (Japan)


Fabrication and characterization of two-dimensional materials on solid surface

will take place on
Tuesday, November 8th at 15:30
in the salle du Conseil – service 322 of the PIIM laboratory (Campus St. Jerome)

Abstract: In my research activities, I have been studying the following topics using variety of techniques such as LEED, AES, STM, LEIS, RBS, PES, and ARUPS; (a) binary metal adsorbates on Si(111) surface, (b) two dimensional alloy on metal surfaces, (c) intermetallic compound and metal oxide quasicrystals, (d) oxide surface and metal-oxide thin films on metal surfaces, (e) single crystal stainless steel surface, and (f) group 14 post-graphene materials. I will review some of these topics in this seminar.

  • It has been studied for a decade that binary metal adsorbates on Si(111) surface induce a unique superstructure that is different from single metal adsorbate. In the case of lead and tin, they form a variety of superstructures, like √7×√3, √3×√3, and 2√7×3 structures, although lead and tin are immiscible in bulk [1]. For the immiscible binary adsorbates of silver and copper on Si(111), Cu atoms behave a dissolution and segregation depending on the surface [2].
  • To fabricate two-dimensional (2D) alloy, the substrate has to be static and inert against adsorbates. The 2D alloy is an overlayer monolayer film and should be incommensurate to the substrate. I succeeded in fabricating Pb-Sn 2D ordered 2D alloy and Pb-Bi solid solution 2D alloy for the first time using Rh(111) surface [3].
  • I demonstrated to identify the Al surface segregation on an Al-Co-Ni and Al-Co-Cu decagonal quasicrystal surfaces and determine the atomic arrangement [4]. Recently, oxide quasicrystal on Pt(111) has been prepared and structural properties are examined [5].
  • The synthesis and characterization of post-graphene materials have been intensively studied with the aim of utilizing novel 2D properties. Most studies adopted molecular beam epitaxy as a synthesis method of 2D materials grown on clean crystalline surfaces. In my study, I will focus on the epitaxial growth of germanene, stanene, and plumbene on surface alloy and alloy surface by segregation and deposition methods[6].


[1] J. Yuhara et al, Surf. Sci., 482/485, 1374 (2001); J. Yuhara et al, Mat. Sci. and Eng. 96, 145 (2002); J. Yuhara et al, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 199, 422 (2003).

[2] J. Yuhara et al, Surf. Sci. 326, 133 (1995); J. Yuhara et al, Appl. Surf. Sci. 104/105, 163 (1996).

[3] J. Yuhara et al, Phys. Rev. B 67, 195407 (2003); J. Yuhara et al, J. of Appl. Phys. 110, 074314 (2011).

[4] J. Yuhara et al, Phys. Rev. B 70, 24203 (2004); R. Zenkyu et al, Phys. Rev. B 86, 115422 (2012).

[5] J. Yuhara et al, Phys. Rev. Mater. 4, 103402 (2020); Li et al, Appl. Surf. Sci. 561, 150099 (2021).

[6] J. Yuhara et al, ACS Nano 12, 11632 (2018); J. Yuhara et al, 2D Materials 5, 025002 (2018); J. Yuhara et al, Adv. Mater. 31, 1901017 (2019); J. Yuhara and G. Le Lay, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 59, SN0801 (2020); T. Ogikubo et al, Adv. Mater. Inter. 7, 1902132 (2020); W. Pang et al, Appl. Surf. Sci. 517, 146224 (2020); J. Yuhara et al, Appl. Surf. Sci. 550, 149236 (2021); J. Yuhara et al, Phys. Rev. Mater. 5, 053403 (2021); J. Yuhara et al, 2D Mater. 8, 045039 (2021); S. Mizuno et al, Appl. Phys. Express 14, 125501 (2021).

Bio: Junji Yuhara is currently associate professor at Department of Energy Science and Engineering at the Nagoya University. In 1995, he obtained a PhD in engineering at the Nagoya University, performing his research at Department of Crystalline Materials Science. He was visiting researcher in the USA, Austria and Singapore. His research focuses in the synthesis and characterization of 2D materials.

Mini-workshop on Complex dynamics of plasmas

A mini-workshop titled:

Complex dynamics of plasmas

organized by prof. Y. Elskens (PIIM laboratory, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS) in the frame of CAPES/COFECUB project

will take place on
Monday, November 7th
from 13:30 to 17:20
in the salle du Conseil – service 322 of the PIIM laboratory (Campus St. Jerome) or by Zoom

Workshop program:

  • 13:30 – 14:10 (30′ talk+10′ Questions/Answers), Nicolas Dubuit (PIIM laboratory, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS) – “Statistics of transport in the vicinity of lagrangian coherent structures”
  • 14:10 – 15:00 (40′ talk+10′ QA), Ricardo Viana (Univ. São Paulo and Univ. Fed. Paraná, Curitiba) –Fractal escape basins in open chaotic systems”
  • 15:00 – 15:20, Coffee break
  • 15:20 – 16:00 (30′ talk+10′ QA), Matteo Faganello (PIIM laboratory, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS) – “Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and induced magnetic reconnection at the Earth’s magnetopause”
  • 16:00 – 16:40 (30′ talk+10′ QA), Leonardo Osorio (Univ. São Paulo and Aix-Marseille Univ.) – “Shearless edge transport barriers in L-H transition
  • 16:40 – 17:20 (30′ talk+10′ QA), Dominique Escande (PIIM laboratory, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS) – Description of magnetic field lines without arcanes”


    1. Nicola Dubuit – Statistics of transport in the vicinity of lagrangian coherent structures: Transport properties of magnetic fluctuations, in particular the role of Lagrangian Coherent Structures, are investigated from a statistical point of view in a sheared magnetic field. It is shown that field lines escape a tube (jet) over a finite length which is independent of tube size. However this escape length is not uniform in a chaotic sea, and in particular is minimum (indicating maximal transport) in the vicinity of Lagrangian Coherent Structures. Combined with the fact that LCS are not fixed but vary, both in time and with the velocities of particles, this could reduce their effectiveness as transport barriers in cases where other transport processes exist.
    2. Ricardo Viana Fractal escape basins in open chaotic systemsThe dynamics of chaotic orbits in non-integrable Hamiltonian systems is mostly determined by the fractal character of the homoclinic tangles. In open systems, the escape basin is the set of initial conditions (in phase space) leading to trajectories exiting the domain of interest through a given region. The escape basin boundary is a fractal curve, which leads to final-state uncertainty, a phenomenon that can be quantified using different techniques. In this talk I will describe some of them, in open Hamiltonian models of systems of interest in plasma physics.
    3. Matteo FaganelloKelvin-Helmholtz instability and induced magnetic reconnection at the Earth’s magnetopause: A 3D two-fluid simulation, using plasma parameters as measured by MMS on 8 September 2015, shows the nonlinear development of the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability at the Earth’s magnetopause. It shows extremely rich dynamics, including the development of a complex magnetic topology, vortex merging and secondary instabilities. Vortex induced and mid-latitude magnetic reconnection coexist and produce an asymmetric distribution of magnetic reconnection events. Off-equator reconnection exhibits a predominance of events in the Southern Hemisphere during the early nonlinear phase, as observed by satellites at the dayside magnetopause. The late nonlinear phase shows the development of vortex pairing for all latitudes while secondary Kelvin–Helmholtz instability develops only in the Northern Hemisphere, leading to an enhancement of the occurrence of off-equator reconnection there.
      Since vortices move tailward while evolving, this suggests that reconnection events in the Northern Hemisphere should dominate at the nightside magnetopause.
    4. Leonardo OsorioShearless edge transport barriers in L-H transition: Shearless transport barriers (STBs) have been extensively studied in several dynamical non-twist systems to control the chaotic transport. Those barriers are associated through the extrema of the rotation number profile and, because of that, they exhibit a strong resistance to perturbations. For magnetized plasmas, ExB drift wave transport models have shown that, on using non-monotonic plasma profiles, STBs can appear to prevent the particle flux. So, considering a tokamak with a large aspect ratio, R>>a, and on using an ExB wave transport model, we study the chaotic transport at the plasma edge when typical radial electric field profiles in LH-transition are taken. We show that, by doing this, STBs appear at the plasma edge and, as the depth of the well-like radial electric field increases, they become more resistant to perturbations, impeding almost any flux to the vessel chamber. In a sense, we show through a description of invariant shearless curves a L-H transition behaviour.
    5. Dominique EscandeDescription of magnetic field lines without arcanes: The action principles for magnetic field lines and for Hamiltonian mechanics are analogous. The first one can be deduced in a pedestrian way from first principles. It makes practical calculations simpler and safer, with an intuitive background. In particular, it is shown that the width of a magnetic island is proportional to the square root of the magnetic flux through a ribbon whose edges are the field lines related to the O and X point of the island. There is some beauty in the approach, which may provide a new pedagogical and intuitive introduction to Hamiltonian mechanics.


Seminar by Anne Lafosse – Paris-Saclay University, ISMO laboratory (France)

A seminar given by

Dr. Anne Lafosse, professor at the Paris-Saclay University, ISMO laboratory, Saclay (France)


Quantifying the unavoidable contribution of electron – supported molecular film interactions – Nanolithography and astrophysics

will take place on
Tuesday, May 30th at 15:00
in the salle du Conseil – service 322 of the PIIM laboratory (Campus St. Jerome)

Abstract: What do chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium and nanolithography processes have in common? Electron-induced processes within molecular films deposited, respectively, on interstellar dust grains and on substrates to be functionalized. The interaction of high-energy radiations (X-ray, ions, electrons) with a condensed medium leads to the formation of low-energy (<20 eV) secondary electron bursts. These electrons created within the irradiated medium contribute efficiently to its chemical modification. In all application contexts (astrochemistry, radiation damage, nanolithography), one of the important issues is to quantify the efficiency of the induced processes, in terms of yields, but also of effective cross sections and required doses.
The approach proposed by the “electron-solids” group is to study directly the effects of electron irradiation on interfaces deposited on substrates by combining: (i) quantitative mass analysis of neutrals desorbing during irradiation (ESD) and (ii) analysis of the deposits before and after irradiation by temperature programmed désorption (TPD) and vibrational spectroscopy HREELS (High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy).
Two systems will be discussed and the derived quantitative markers presented:
– the decomposition under electron irradiation of a film of a halogenated unsaturated compound potentially of interest in the development of EUV lithographic resists,
– the non-thermal desorption from molecular ice of methanol CH3OH, with an interpretation linked to XESD (X-ray induced electron-stimulated desorption) processes.

Bio : Anne Lafosse is full professor at the University of Paris-Saclay. She performs her research in the laboratory ISMO (Institut des Sciences Moléculaire d’Orsay). She is the team leader of the Surface chemistry & slow electrons team.

Seminar by Haruhisa Nakano – National Institute for Fusion Science (Japan)

A seminar given by

Dr. Haruhisa Nakano, Associate professor at the National Institute for Fusion Science, Gifu (Japan)


Neutral Beam Injection at the stellarator LHD (Large Helical Device)

will take place on
Monday, October 10th at 14:00
in the salle du Conseil – service 322 of the PIIM laboratory (Campus St. Jerome)

Abstract: Improvement of deuterium injection power in the negative-ion-based NBIs (n-NBIs, Neutral Beam Injectors) for the Large Helical Device (LHD) are reported. Co-extracted electron current at acceleration of deuterium negative ions (D ions) limits the injection power. The electron current is reduced by decreasing the extraction gap, and the injected D current evaluated from the injection power increased from 46 to 55 A. Greater electron reduction was achieved by installing a structure named an ‘electron fence’ (EF), with which D beam power was successfully improved from 2.0 MW to 3.0 MW. The injection power in three configurations − without EF, with EF of 5 mm and 7 mm distance from the plasma grid (PG) surface − have been compared in both cases of hydrogen and deuterium operations, and it was found that the configuration with the EF of 5 mm distance was the best to satisfy the performance for both of hydrogen and deuterium injections. Although the co-extracted electron current is reduced in the negative ion sources applied for JT-60SA and ITER by utilizing the PG filter, it is possible to achieve more effective electron reduction by combining the PG filter and the EF.


Seminar by Justin Little – University of Washington (USA)

A seminar given by

Dr. Justin Little, Professor at the University of Washington, Seattle (USA)


Mode Transitions in Low-Temperature Aerospace Plasmas

will take place on
Wednesday, September 14th at 14:30
in the salle du Conseil – service 322 of the PIIM laboratory (Campus St. Jerome)

Abstract: Laboratory plasmas can experience abrupt transitions between operating modes during which either the plasma structure or dynamics undergo a sudden change. Nonlinear in nature, these mode transitions typically result from the existence of multiple stable plasma states. When developing new plasma sources, transitions between states generally occur in mysterious and oftentimes unexpected ways. Unpredictable mode transitions are particularly problematic to the design of new plasma-based aerospace technologies, such as electric propulsion systems. Detailed models of mode transition physics and scaling are critical to ensuring new systems behave as expected within their desired operating range. In this talk I will present experimental and theoretical research into the nature of mode transitions for two emerging technologies. The first technology is the helicon plasma thruster, an electrodeless propulsion concept that relies on radiofrequency plasma heating and acceleration through a magnetic nozzle. The second technology, the plasma magnetoshell, is an aerocapture concept that utilizes magnetized plasma to generate drag on a spacecraft upon entry into a planetary atmosphere. I will finish by highlighting the potential for new data science techniques to make significant advances in the discovery and analysis of plasma mode transitions.

Bio: Prof. Little is an Assistant Professor in the William E. Boeing Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics at the University of Washington. He received a BS in Physics and Aerospace engineering from the University of California, Irvine, and a PhD in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University. Prof. Little’s research focuses on understanding how low-temperature plasma physics influence the performance and design of emerging electric propulsion technologies. His research methods emphasize a close relationship between reduced-order theoretical modeling and innovative experiment design to explore the fundamental scaling of dominant physics. He is a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellow and a recipient of the AFOSR Young Investigator Program award.


Seminar by Chijin Xiao – University of Saskatchewan

A seminar given by

Dr. Chijin Xiao
Professor at the University of Saskatchewan (Canada)

Plasma-Wall Interaction Related Research at the University of Saskatchewan

will take place on
Thursday, June 16th at 14:30
in the salle du Conseil – service 322 of the PIIM laboratory (Campus St. Jerome)

Abstract : The envisaged power load on the plasma-facing components, particularly on the diverters, in the future tokamaks, such as in ITER, will well exceed 1 MW/m2. High power load will not only damage the plasma-facing components (PFCs), but also generate tritium-containing dusts. For compact spherical tokamaks with high magnetic field, the power load is even higher. Study of plasma-wall interaction (PWI) is important not only for choosing suitable first-wall materials, but also for understanding transport of the dust particles produced by PWI. At the University of Saskatchewan, compact torus (CT), a high-density and high-speed plasmoid confined by its own magnetic field, and dense plasma focus (DPF), an excellent plasma source for producing high flux and high-energy ion beams in our case, are used as plasma sources to study PWI on various substrate samples. A dust dispenser has been designed and characterized to introduce dust particles to the STOR-M tokamak discharge or to be incorporated in CTs for injecting dust-containing CTs to the core of the STOR-M discharges.  This talk will present the features of the plasma sources used, some experimental results for PWI studies, and the plans for studies of dust dynamics in the STOR-M tokamak.

Bio: Chijin obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei and the Doctor of Natural Science degree from the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, all specializing in Plasma Physics. He joined the Plasma Physics Laboratory at the University of Saskatchewan, first as a Postdoctoral Fellow and then as a Research Associate before joining the faculty of the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics at the University of Saskatchewan. Dr Xiao is currently a tenured full professor at the University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Xiao’s research interests have been in plasma physics and engineering for fusion research and industrial applications, particularly in plasma production and diagnostics. Over his career, Dr. Xiao has worked on a variety of plasma devices including the STOR-M tokamak, compact torus injectors, dense plasma focus, RF and microwave plasma devices. Dr. Xiao has trained many HQPs including Ph.D. and M.Sc. students, PDFs and a research engineer. Dr Xiao is currently the principal investigator for the STOR-M tokamak. He authored and co-authored over 130 journal papers.

We will be glad to welcome the speaker with a coffee and pastries at 14:00.