A seminar given by
Dr. Hyeon K. Park
professor at the Departement of Physics of UNIST (South Korea) and director of UNIST Fusion Plasma Laboratory
History, Science and Perspective of Fusion Energy Development
Abstract: Long history of fusion plasma research is briefly reviewed and relevant lessons will be emphasized. Following the lessons, common factor of a variety of the claimed improved confinement regimes in the magnetic fusion plasma (e.g. L-, H-, VH-, Super-H-, I-, Supershot-, High_beta_P-, RS-, ERS-, FIRE-mode, etc.) is suggested. In addition, study of MHD instabilities by a new 2-D visualization tool (Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging system) demonstrated the physics of MHDs that we understand and what we do not understand. Based on accumulated empirical knowledge of the toroidal fusion plasmas such as scaling laws for the confinement time and triple products for the fusion power, a comprehensive and effective path for the ignition is suggested along with the perspective of ITER and size limit of a possible compact magnetic confinement device for ignition will be discussed.
Bio: Hyeon K. Park is professor at the Department of Physics at UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology) and director of the UNIST Fusion plasma Laboratory. Find more information here.