After graduating with a batchelor’s degree in biochemistry from Aix-Marseille University, Adeline Garcia went on to specialise in chemical and spectroscopic analysis at the same university for her master’s degree, before completing a PhD in astrochemistry in the PIIM laboratory. After obtaining her PhD in 2023 she was awarded a 3-year contract from the AMIDEX Foundation in early 2024 for her research project studying samples of objects from our solar system in order to gain a better understanding of its origins.
Well known at PIIM for her love of science, her tenacity and her enthusiasm, the laboratory is delighted that she has been awarded this prestigious prize and warmly congratulates this talented young researcher.
Read the portrait of Adeline Garcia published by INFUSE, the science and knowledge webmagazine of Aix-Marseille University.
The list of 35 female researchers rewarded by the 18th L’Oréal-UNESCO Young Talents France Prize for Women in Science can be consulted via this link