Women in the Lead

09 mars 2023 par Eric Rostang
On Tuesday, March 8, 2023, on the occasion of the international day of the rights of the women, the academic learned societies of France chose to honor remarkable women of the world of the research. The PIIM laboratory is also honored because, Caroline Champenois, physicist, and head of the CIML team is among them.

On the occasion of the International Women’s Rights Day, Tuesday, March 8, 2023, the Collège des Sociétés Savantes Académiques de France took an initiative called “Women in the Lead 2023” which features 11 portraits of remarkable women in research from all disciplines, ages and career levels.

These women represent the diversity and strength of current research and will be presented throughout the week of March 8, 2023.

Then click on the right banner to find the details of each portrait and in particular that of Caroline (accessible from March 10).

The Collège des Sociétés Savantes Académiques de France (COSSAF) is an association whose one of the objectives is to network the member companies and associations and strengthen their dialogue.