Associate professor (M/F) in experimental and/or theoretical physics for Magnetic Confinement Fusion

During the 2025 associate professor recruitment campaign, Aix-Marseille Université will be offering a position for an associate professor in Physics (CNU section 28 ou CNU section 30)to carry out research in the PIIM (Physics of the Interactions of Ions and Molecules) laboratory.

This position will be based in the Faculty of Sciences, which is very committed to gender diversity in its recruitment and encourages a policy of parity in this area.

The profile of this post is shown below. In addition, these duties will require a real ability to communicate and work as part of a team in an international environment.

Applications may be submitted on the Odyssée application from 4 March 2025 10:00 to 4 April 2025 16:00 (Paris time). Applications cannot be submitted directly via this site.

However, applicants who are considering submitting an application may contact the laboratory to prepare their research project (see the research section below).

Candidates whose applications are selected by the selection committee will be interviewed on  May 16th 2025.

Research section

PIIM has a strong activity in the field of Magnetic Confinement Fusion, with 5 teams involved (Hydrogen, Molecules, Materials; Atomic Physics and Transport in Plasmas; Surface Plasma; Plasma, Theory and Modelling; Plasma Turbulence) in the activities of the FR-FCM national federation and the ISFIN institute.

The person recruited will present a project closely linked to the problems of magnetic fusion, as part of the activities of one of the five teams concerned. These teams work on the experimental, theoretical and numerical study of :

  • plasmas and their dynamics
  • plasma-wall interactions
  • surface physics and fusion materials.
    The development, implementation and interpretation of diagnostics is also a key area of activity. This research is carried out with strong international links, particularly at European level as part of the EUROfusion consortium, and in close collaboration with local players (CEA Cadarache, ITER). Experience in the field of fusion by magnetic confinement will be appreciated.

The skills expected for this recruitment are theoretical and/or numerical and/or experimental, depending on the host team and the nature of the project. Candidates should clearly explain their plans for joining the target team.

Teaching section

The teaching part will take place in the Physics Department of the Faculty of Sciences.

The person recruited will teach physics and/or physical chemistry at all levels, in the three entries to L1 (AMNS, ‘L1en2ans’ and portail) and in all the physics courses managed by the department, on four teaching sites (Marseille Saint-Charles, Saint-Jérôme, Luminy and Aix-Montperrin), particularly in the Physics and Physics-Chemistry bachelor’s degrees, the Fundamental Physics and Applications master’s degree, the Instrumentation Measurement Metrology master’s degree, and the ‘Nano2’ master’s degree in Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies. An interest in active and innovative teaching practices adapted to new university audiences, and/or the ability to teach in English in the department’s internationally-oriented courses, would be particularly welcome.