17ème International Workshop on Hydrogen Isotopes in Fusion Reactor Materials (HWS 2024)

HWS 2024

Sixty scientists from thirteen different countries gathered in the heart of the French Alps to share their latest developments in the understanding the interaction between hydrogen isotopes and materials, a necessity for the use of nuclear fusion as a sustainable energy source.

Forty oral presentations and fifteen poster presentations were given during the workshop, covering a large spectrum from hydrogen recycling in materials, tritium removal technics to the influence of neutron damage on hydrogen retention in materials. The PIIM laboratory was very well represented, with oral presentations by Aleksandr Afonin, Yosvany Silva-Solís, Matthieu Latournerie and Federica Pappalardo, and two poster presentations by José-David Cremé and Julien Denis.

The PATP, Plasma-Surface and administrative teams of the laboratory were involved in the organisation of the event. The event was supported by the CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, the CEA, the Société Française de Physique, the Fr FCM federation and the ISFIN institut.