This web site is dedicated to the WHeSCI project, an acronym for "W, H and He Interaction Studies: a Complete and Integrated approach". WHeSCI is funded through the A*Midex "Emergence & Innovation" program and the ANR PRC program. WHeSCI is an evolution of the WHISCI project initiated in 2015 and also supported by A*Midex.

The WHeSCI kick-off meeting took place at Aix-Marseille University the 7th and 8th of March 2019. All partners were there to show their latest results and update. Newly hired PhDs and postdocs introduced themselves. The first WHeSCI plenary meeting was held at LSPM (CNRS - Paris 13 Univ) the 4th and 5th of March 2020. PhDs and postdocs of the project presented their (numerous) results. The second and third WHeSCI plenary meetings were held on-line the 3rd and 4th of May 2021 and the 3rd and 4th of February 2022. Finally, the closing meeting took place in Paris the 28th of February 2023. Pictures of the two in-persons WHeSCI plenary meetings follow.

2020 plenary meeting
March 2020: Andrée de Backer (UMET) explains her latest Object Kinetic Monte Carlo results.

2019 kickoff meeting
March 2019: Marie-France Barthe (CEMHTI) shows her latest Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy results.

The WHISCI kick-off meeting was held in Aix-Marseille University the 17th and 18th of February 2015 at the PIIM laboratory (Aix-Marseille Univ - CNRS). The WHISCI plenary meeting took place at the PIIM laboratory the 15th and 16th of February 2016. The WHISCI summary meeting was held at Faculté St-Jérome (Marseille) the 8th of November 2016. Pictures of the three WHISCI meetings are shown below.

2016 Summary meeting
November 2016: Florin Ghiorghiu (PIIM) presents his latest Temperature Programmed Desorption results.

2016 plenary meeting
February 2016: Etienne Hodille (CEA) shows his latest Rate Equation models results.

2015 kick-off meeting
February 2015: Yves Ferro (PIIM) explains DFT calculations used to determine input parameters for Kinetic Monte-Carlo and Rate Equation Models.

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Logo A*Midex

The project leading to this publication has received funding from Excellence Initiative of Aix-Marseille University - A*Midex, A French "Investissements d'Avenir" programme

Logo ANR

This work has received funding from the French National Research Agency (Grant No. ANR-18-CE05-0012)